
January Beekeeping in California, 2020
A few days ago we started our California bee rounds among the almond trees. We are in two diffe...

Fall Updates 2019
The bees are still shaping up well for fall 2019. It looks like primary caretaking should be fi...

Fall Feeding 2019
Fall feeding requirements have been inconsistent from yard to yard. We have a good number of hi...

2018 Nucs and Singles!
Spring is just around the corner! That is easy to say for me since the temperatures are climbing ...

A Few Highlights From the 2018 AHPA Bee Conference
I was thinking back to the meeting in San Diego and the moments that caused some type of reaction...

Farewell San Diego: AHPA 2018
The American Honey Producers closed out another annual meeting this morning. I appreciate that mo...
The 2018 Bee Life Commences--In (Usually) Sunny San Diego!
One of the first missions of the 2018 apicultural life was running over to Chicago with several b...
Cuddle Up for New Year's Eve Bee Friends!
It is an exceptionally chilly day leading into New Year's Eve! The sun rose around -5F, and tonig...
Happy Holidays 2017!!!
Ebert Christmas was a happy event yesterday. We are lucky to have a good number of holidays toget...
A Cozy Bobcat and a Baby Goat
Today and yesterday I got to try out the "new" (to us) Bobcat skid steer to load up some round ba...
Honey Crane, Patent Pending!
Alas for winter's chill (kind of) settling upon us and resulting in more indoor time for my littl...
Bees by the Truckload and an Affordable Bobcat For Sale!
We've begun organizing our system to be able to handle truckloads of bees as we maintain options ...
"Bee Thankful" Pumpkins :)
It's the week of excellent dishes and baked goods boasting honey components--Happy Thanksgiving! ...
"Iowa Is About to Blowup in the Bee World" IHPA 2017
It was an interesting experience to hear "Iowa Is About to Blowup in the Bee World" come from the...
November Bees and Feeding 2017
It's a misty November day. Yesterday was warm and sunny, so we went to several locations to cont...
Not Dead Yet: Halloween 2017 Approaches!
My old companion 7.3L F-350 and the redecked trailer made a journey to South Dakota (and back) re...
Laying Worker Vista and Fall Bees
I came across this interesting picture of laying workers on fresh comb from earlier this year. B...
Trucking Along
Ever since he was able to walk, Andrew has enjoyed climbing around inside pickups and heavy equip...
Winding Down 2017 Honey Harvest
Several days ago I pulled the last decent load of honey for 2017. It was dark at the conclusion ...
Goldenrod Season and Iowa State Fair Ribbons
We've had a pleasantly warm and much drier September experience this year. That has been a magni...
Old Threshers Reunion and an Extractor Is Born!
Every year Old Threshers Reunion in Mount Pleasant is a highlight on our calendar. Thousands of ...
Busted Chains, More Honey, and Pet Nucs
I was feeling good about the old uncapper we mounted last fall. It needed some fine tuning and b...
Apimaye Hives 2017 and onward with Harvesting!
We did indeed receive updates on the Apimaye hives I posted about previously. He sent a couple o...
Fancy Hives and the Adventures of Little Man!
Earlier this year I sold a couple of nucs to a person with an intriguing hive system that I'd nev...
Honey Pallets, Pretty Jars, and New Pets
We are back in the season for chunk honey jars. They're always so pretty!
We had enough time to...
Marching Along with Fewer Flowers
Not a lot of time to post today, but I thought I'd put up a picture of our actual products since ...
Used Cowen Uncapper for Sale (Sold! July 2017)
We have a used Cowen uncapper for sale down at the Lynnville location. It's a gravity slide mode...
Comb Carts and Bobcat Joy!
Several years ago I pulled a few bread carts from a grocery store dumpster pile. They're not rea...
Bees in the Clover, Soybeans, and a New Pony!
The clovers are somewhat past their peak, but there is still a good amount of them in bloom. Yel...
Sweet Sweet Honeycomb is Back!
The first cut comb of the new harvest season is another one of those endlessly celebratory events...
Time To Build On (Almost No) Budget!!!
One of my hobbies is checking out the clearance rack for construction materials at the local Mena...
Flowers Flowers Everywhere (and a Tractor)!
We are once again in (or very near) what I consider "peak bloom" for the summer. The Dutch clove...
Beautiful Queens and How They Can Change
One aspect of strong floral and temperature stimulation for the hives this year is the affect it ...
You Might Need Supers If.......
The bees are roaring with activity the past couple of weeks. The momentum is building. Dandelio...
Queen Cell Reuse and and Nasty Mites
A couple of weeks ago we pulled apart a hive that had a number of cells in it. One of the cells ...
Black Locust and Nucs Galore 2017
We are quickly moving away from splitting season and into the honey season (we hope). About a we...