The 2018 Bee Life Commences--In (Usually) Sunny San Diego!
One of the first missions of the 2018 apicultural life was running over to Chicago with several barrels of honey for a good customer, so we dropped by another place to get some used cement form plywood. It can be useful for building pallets and lids--very strong, weather resistant, and affordable when acquired used. It also weighs tons, so a hefty truck is needed for this task. The weakest tire on our backend got replaced in the big city before we came back to home-sweet-Iowa home.
Phil and I are also gearing up for the latest information at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Honey Producers Association in San Diego. The temperature is far more springlike than our chilly departure from Cedar Rapids. It is actually raining and overcast for our first few hours in town!--I am very fond of green plant life, so it will be great to have a nice boost for the flora during our week in the land of sunshine. My next post will probably share a bit about our experience.
It's always sad to leave the little man for consecutive days, but at least he and mommy have a handy little tractor to harrow the arena as entertainment in the meanwhile