A Cozy Bobcat and a Baby Goat
Today and yesterday I got to try out the "new" (to us) Bobcat skid steer to load up some round bales we sold. It got them loaded in great shape and made me appreciate the upgrade. I can't wait to get a special fork setup on it to handle some bees in the spring! It's admittedly plain Jane by today's industry standards but quite fine in my world.
As you may have noted in the image above, the loyal 825 Bobcat is still for sale. I thought snow might create some demand for the bucketed beast, but the clouds have offered the scantiest quantity of flurries thus far.
Andrew is especially happy about the new Bobcat because I will let him ride in it with me. The 825 does not have a safety bar but does have touchier controls, so he was banned from joining that party. I will miss it, but maintaining two machines doesn't make much sense at present.
He was also happy to go to a solstice party and hang out with a couple of baby goats. He found some furry love! There was an awkward moment when a lady goat started pushing against his tummy and lifted him up on her head (an interesting and slightly traumatizing sight), but that did not dissuade him from returning to the little ivy munchers: