Honey Pallets, Pretty Jars, and New Pets
We are back in the season for chunk honey jars. They're always so pretty!
We had enough time to get some new honey pallets assembled and painted this week. I don't have a loading dock at my place, so these pallets are supposed to be forklift/pallet jack friendly. Building 4-ways would have been quicker and cheaper, but I just made them 2-way for ease of handling. They will soon be much less attractive, but the reason will be quite positive--stacks upon stacks of propolised honey boxes over the next several weeks! For those of you wondering about the pink paint selection: it's leftover from my cut comb box painting project a year or two past. They look sharp to me!
I'm sure the new pigs approve as well! Andrew loves them, though he wishes they would stand still for more petting! Chasing them with a stick on the first day probably didn't help