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Queens and Splitting Season 2017

Written by Adam
The ordering options at are live for 2017. I pretty much always authorize or...
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The Langstroth Cottage and Miami University

Written by Adam
I had the stimulating experience of heading to Miami University at Oxford, Ohio for the past few ...
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Baby Bees 2017? Pollen Returns

Written by Adam
I got my annual thrill of spotting truly significant pollen returning to the hives a couple of Sa...
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Honey Delivery Inauguration 2017

Written by Adam
Andrew has asked to help deliver honey to stores for a number of months. Since it's generally no...
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Bees and Art: A Senior Honors Thesis

Written by Adam
This past fall of 2016 I had a University of Iowa student working part-time with the bees two or ...
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Local Honey Promotion

Written by Adam
A little while ago one of the area Hy-Vees started to put up these attractive "buy local" biograp...
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Bee Life Pics!!!

Written by Adam
I'm going through my photo files from 2016, and I see that there are some fun ones that deserve a...
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Honey Extracting Room Layout 2016

Written by Adam
I once again got buried in the fall and early winter, so the 2016 harvest achievement is going up...
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An OLD Uncapper Stand's New Life

Written by Adam
One of the last pieces of the extracting equation came home a couple of days ago. An uncapper an...
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Little Man's Pit Party

Written by Adam
The extracting space continues to take shape. I'm looking forward to having the honey flow soon....
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Swarm in the Road? Yep.

Written by Adam
After an earlier post about a swarm on the ground, I received word of an even more precariously p...
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2016 Honey House Continued

Written by Adam
Progress is speeding along with the finished space in the honey house! Here are a few photo upda...
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The New Honey Extracting Space 2016

Written by Adam
We're working to put a new honey extracting facility in the steel building at my place near Mount...
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The Flow Hive Visit

Written by Adam The big rage in beekeeping is The Flow Hive--get "honey on tap!" The ...
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The First 2016 Honey

Written by Adam
There is a giant flow happening during the past several days. I know black locust just opened th...
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Nucs Galore

Written by Adam
I'm at the point of year where the nuc yards grow very quickly. I've stopped splitting for new hi...
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Spring Bees and a Grounded Swarm

Written by Adam
It takes us about a month to get through all of our bees during splitting season. Around April 1...
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Bees and Building

Written by Adam
Good news. I just pulled the happy pollinators out of Wilson's Orchard near Iowa City, and the b...
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"What's the Buzz?" A New Exhibit!

Written by Adam
Could a bee exhibit have a more clever name than "What's the Buzz?" The New Mexico Farm & Ra...
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Package Bee Arrival 2016

Written by Adam The 2016 package bee season is underway! ...
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2016 Project Update

Written by Adam
Well, I'm not quite done with a few of the spring chores, but there are major forward steps on th...
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Early Spring 2016

Written by Adam
The mild winter is swiftly turning very springlike. High temperatures for the next ten days rang...
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2016 and the Refurbished Woodman

Written by Adam
Another year of beekeeping is upon us! I've been idle on the blogging front for several months, ...
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Fourth of July Honey Flow Update

Written by Adam
My concern about the cooler and wetter weather cycle came true. We have been lucky if the temper...
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The Eternal Honey Flow Question

Written by Adam
Well, things have been looking pretty good in terms of honey prospects. The spring has been mois...
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Booming Bees

Written by Adam
The bees are exceptionally strong this year. Almost all of them lived, and then the weather coop...
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Queen Delivery Stories

Written by Adam
Here are the words of a happy customer that got his shipment and delivery in the best possible ma...
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2015 Queens!

Written by Adam
I am once again winding down the academic year at Mount Mercy, so that means 2015 queen sales are...
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Grain Bin Bees

Written by Adam
Well, the truth is that the bees aren't in a grain bin (as the title of the post would suggest.) ...
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Sunny Sunday in April

Written by Adam
We had a couple of days of rain and overcast skies, but today was a relief from the gloominess. I...
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A Hot Hive and Pollen Arrives

Written by Adam
I still have a couple of locations that have winter wraps and entrance blocks. It's only a proble...
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Off to the Orchard!

Written by Adam
I am still up to my old devices when April rolls around--the apple blossoms are swelling, and the...
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Raw Honey Reflection

Written by Adam
Sometimes it's interesting to see which sweeteners get left in our shelf space when someone decid...
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Sentinel Hive 2015

Written by Adam
This winter we had a pet hive sitting on the dock and buried in the snow. I think the signage to ...
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Gravity and Old Trees

Written by Adam
There have been a few times over the years when trees have posed a threat to a hive or two. This ...
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The Joy of Pollen 2015

Written by Adam
Today was the happy day that arrives every spring when I get to see lots of pollen carriers comin...
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