Busted Chains, More Honey, and Pet Nucs
I was feeling good about the old uncapper we mounted last fall. It needed some fine tuning and began to work reliably this harvest. Then I busted a chain--a truly talented maneuver. I think it must have gotten a bit out of tension with the other chain and carried too much of the load. It's back in action now, but it was a disappointing moment:
A fun part of harvest season is making a few late nucs/hives with the bees that come home with the honey. The homeless bees tend to choose one or two places to congregate in the building, so we eventually learned to put a nuc and queen near them to provide a new abode. Here are four nice frames of bees that joined the family while perched inside the door of the honey house during the first round of harvest. You can see the plastic queen cage between top bars. I added a fifth frame immediately after the photo. Another impromptu nuc will be in process shortly.
Luckily yesterday cleared up enough to pull a couple of yards. It's raining today, but at least I made some weekend progress. Here are the pretty pink pallets from a couple posts ago. They are now stacked eight boxes high and sitting safely in my building!