Flowers Flowers Everywhere (and a Tractor)!
We are once again in (or very near) what I consider "peak bloom" for the summer. The Dutch clover is strong on its second lease on life after recent rains, the yellow sweet clover is not yet burned up, and the white sweet clover is opening. Trefoil started to open about a week ago, and basswood opened in the past few days.
The bad news is that my worries regarding cooler temps and rain proved correct. People are in general very happy about temperatures in the 70s, but I am rather disappointed as temperatures slide into the 50s overnight. The bees just aren't too thrilled. At least it has not been constant rain with even lower temperatures. The mid 80s will supposedly return in a few days. All in all it's pretty normal for our main flow to come in July rather than the bouquet of late June, but our best years generally involve a warmer June leg to the crop as well.
Around home I have some of the floral diversity as well. My basswood (linden) tree has plenty of blossoms awaiting six legged visitors (a bumblebee photo bombed this one):
And here are some of my lily offerings to the wild bees. These are one of the perennial flowers I love despite their nominal value to my preferred species of honeybee:
And it seems the garden may grow sometime soon! Andrew wisely donned a John Deere shirt on a day when we ultimately decided to drop by the local dealership on a Sunday afternoon. As usual, he is ready to work with anything that takes attachments!