Not Dead Yet: Halloween 2017 Approaches!
My old companion 7.3L F-350 and the redecked trailer made a journey to South Dakota (and back) recently. It has been years since we put the loyal flatbed through those kind of miles with a load. I don't worry about running equipment to the last mile within the usual beekeeping radius, but you always get a bit more nervous running "well-seasoned" equipment hundreds of miles from home. Happily, it has lost no power over the last few years and made short work of the distance despite almost 300K on the odometer. Here I've returned with about a thousand lids, a few thousand pounds of wax, and a couple of barrels of honey that I decided we'd sample. The victorious return:
It will be kind of sad when I have to move on to the next truck one day. But, as the title said, it's not dead yet!
As the day of the dead approaches, Andrew is at last not a bee for Halloween! He is fond of roaring at certain moments and is making the most of a tiger costume. Is the horse wearing a batman costume to overcome the fear of a predator on its neck?
And if you were wondering what a massive honey house might look like in the early stages, here's the beginning of one that's around 200 feet long and over 100' wide, if I recall correctly. Quite an operation (and definitely not mine if anyone is wondering--it was on the trip).