Fourth of July Honey Flow Update
My concern about the cooler and wetter weather cycle came true. We have been lucky if the temperature has broken into the eighties, and several inches of rain fell over the past few weeks. It hasn't been disastrously rainy and cool, but things slowed up quite a bit in several locations. The moisture and mild temperatures have prolonged the clover bloom however, so there is still strong potential to get more good out of those flowers. Trefoil still looks promising too. Soybeans will start blooming in the next 1-2 weeks depending on when they were planted.
Thankfully, I do have a few locations that managed to gather significant honey during breaks in the rain. Here is a happy picture with Matt adding more supers at the location that we featured in the previous post. There are several hives at this spot with 2-4 boxes that are nicely filled. Most of them have one box of space. That will last them about a week at the current pace.
There are two locations on my circuit that really aren't doing anything. All of the other places have respectable action in at least some of the hives. I notice that this year's splits are really taking off. A good number of them are working 2-3 boxes but need more time to actually get them filled. Hopefully the next 2-4 weeks provide a decent crop that will provide relief and satisfaction for another year!
Lastly, in a wildlife point of interest, yesterday I spotted a doe with triplets while driving into a location near Swisher. That is a hard-working momma deer! This picture was the best my phone camera could manage (even with some editing):