The Flow Hive Visit
The big rage in beekeeping is The Flow Hive--get "honey on tap!" The Australian inventors raised something like $12 million through crowdfunding to launch their innovation and market it. No fear of undercapitilization anymore
They have a very active Facebook group and it continues to attract people interested in at least experimenting with a system that lets you "extract" using mechanical frames that convert the surplus honey cells into channels that drain directly into a jar. There are a whole lot of pros and cons I could detail, but I don't have that kind of time this afternoon. In short, I don't think it's a worthless novelty, but it's also not going to be an innovation that radically impacts large-scale beekeeping.
Nonetheless, it is nifty to see that one of my nuc buyers loaded their four frames of bees into a Flow Hive and hauled it away. I hope their expensive foray into the latest and greatest in beekeeping innovation proves fruitful! It will be interesting to see if more of our customers embrace the same system!