Fall Flowers 2013
The beekeeping life continues on the usual schedule. We are busy clearing the honey boxes off of the hives, keeping the extractors spinning, and doing our best to lower the mite loads. The hive populations generally look quite good, but there are some hives that clearly need food in the near future. Some of the singles really didn't store anything significant in their brood chambers, and right now the first significant rain in two and a half months is falling. It will be at least another day before the bees are able to attempt much foraging.
The fall bloom is decent. After a period of near dearth, it seems the bees are getting some honey off the goldenrod in some areas. Here is the field of yellow that is adjacent to one of my locations:
A few asters are getting attention as well:
Despite some honey coming into the hives, the flow isn't strong enough to dissuade the bees from shifting into robbing mode whenever the truck is parked next to them while we are harvesting. The scene has been manageable, but it's certainly not as peaceful as when there are more foraging opportunities available in the field.