August Honey Update 2013
Extracting continues over in Lynnville. The honey has arrived in a staggered manner. First we got a nice flow that filled a lot of boxes in eastern Iowa, and now there have been a couple of good weeks in central Iowa. While it would be nice to have strong flows in both locations for the entire summer, it has relieved some of the pressure that we might have felt on the processing end of things.
Most of the white clovers are spent, and there isn't much trefoil aside from areas where it got mowed and then came back into flower. Red clover is still blooming decently, but the bees haven't gotten on it like last year when he had a drought and higher temperatures. Some soybeans are still in bloom after delayed planting, but a lot of them are pretty tall at this point.
Some of our honey is for sale in the Agricultural Building at the famed Iowa State Fair. Just go up to the second floor of the agriculture building and visit the Iowa Honey Producers' Stand (and enjoy some honey lemonade at the same time).
The fair is also a good place to buy honeycomb. A few of our combs are at the honey booth this year, including some of these darker wildflower sections that came in recently:
These sections are markedly darker than the ones that appear a couple of posts earlier. It's interesting that the year when we've gotten a disproportionate number of extremely light combs is also the year when we've gotten some of the darkest sections in our memory. We see something new every year!