The last full boxes?
Well, we've made it into early August. The colony average will be respectable, but it will take a few weeks of extracting to find out the exact pounds per hive for 2010. We pulled the honey off of several yards twice--or even three times. We know those yards will turn out to have a strong average.
Here is a colony from the edge of New Sharon that got quite full:
It is satisfying to know that some really full supers await the final pull, but also disappointing that there was not an additional box to keep the hive from filling all the way up. Several hives in this particular yard had nowhere to put fresh nectar. I put out an additional box in hopes of an August flow (it happens every few years in our area, and we usually get at least a few pounds of honey from the fall flowers.). Then again, sometimes the August boxes come off as empty as when we put them on. Three inches of rain in the past week shut down the main nectar flow, but we have temperatures in the upper eighties and nineties that might give us a chance for a a higher yield in the next couple of weeks.
Anyway, we can't complain about the overall crop. Given the fact that we got 1-2 inches every few days during the month of July, I wouldn't have been surprised by a 65 lb average. Hotter summers than 2008 or 2009 helped our bees overcome the excess rain this year.
Here is the same box as above, but from bee-level
We'll take these boxes in another week and start giving the hives mite treatments. The joys of late summer and fall!!!