
All the Bees are Gone! . . . Winter Break 2019
Our last truckload of bees indeed made it to California safely. I was most worried about the sn...

Fall Updates 2019
The bees are still shaping up well for fall 2019. It looks like primary caretaking should be fi...

Autumn Chill and Indoor Action 2019
This week we spent a couple of days organizing our indoor bee life. The intro image shows the ...

A Froggy Friend and the Harvest Finale Nears. . . .
We had another "first" during the honey harvest this year! We encountered several tree frogs han...

It's Not Over Yet! Honey Flow 2019 (and a kayak!)
We left the honey flow scene for a bit and escaped to visit family out in Colorado. It turns ou...

A Real Honey Crop? We're getting closer!
The clover bloom has held up quite well with the combination of moisture and heat. We've steam...

Peak Bloom 2019
We are within several days of the most diverse collection of quality honey flowers that we will ...

June Nucs in the Pro Nuc
I have to wonder how many people google "nucs" and end up really confused about winding up at a ...

Package Bees 2019
We distributed most of the package bees that were preordered for 2019 this weekend. What an adv...

Spring 2019!!! The Bees are Coming Back!
The past couple of weeks have not lacked for excitement. Package bee supplies are short in nort...

Brrr--Polar Vortex 2019!
An image from along the Cedar River in Cedar Rapids, IA. January 2019

AHPA Convention 2019 in Arizona
Alex and I have been living the beekeeper's working vacation in Phoenix at the AHPA meeting. Thi...

2019 Bee Life Begins!
We are excited to adventure into 2019! It is going to be an exciting year for certain. All asp...