2019 Bee Life Begins!
We are excited to adventure into 2019! It is going to be an exciting year for certain. All aspects of our activities seem to be going through some changes that seem to be for the better . . . hopefully we feel the same at the end of the year!
One of the happy events to close down 2018 was definitely the building project making such substantial headway. There are still some things to decide during the warm season, but the shell is up and ready to keep things dry! Thanks to Path Construction for another job well done! Another quality Wick Building to stand the Iowa elements.

Andrew was game for a little shovel work on Saturday as well. We banked in some gravel for the drip edge. He was surprisingly focused for quite some time on this task!

Now we will enjoy the open space for a moment, and then commence to fill it up posthaste.

And here is Andria with some of the inventory that will soon make good use of the square footage. Containers galore! Our new venture into wholesale container sales now has a happy home!

Happy 2019 to all--we hope your resolutions come true--especially the one about seeing live bees in the spring!!!
My next venture is out west to attend the American Honey Producers 2019 conference, and then I'll be off to see how the bees are doing in California. There seems to be plenty on the winter agenda!