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Splashy surprise........

I awoke and encountered a dampened world. Last night I pulled up to the Ebert Honey House at 11:30 p.m. and needed to make a decision. I could go home and rest from a day of splitting and moving bees, or I could gather some more equipment and move another dozen colonies to their new location. The variable in question? Rain or no rain. I bet "no rain" and lost. It didn't get so wet that I could not get into a few places to work today, but those dozen splits still sit over excluders at the bottom of a hill. Curses. Tomorrow I will attempt to finish the job. We had some of the best weather of the year this afternoon. The bees went a little crazy filling their pollen baskets--one of them tried to land at the entrance but ended up on her back and basically immobilized. Now the brood will really get roaring.

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