Not much honey
Yesterday I drove around to see what transpired while I was away to England and Sweden, but the news wasn't the best. We're closing in on August and there hasn't been a really good flow in all of the yards. About 1/3 of them have had a significant amount of honey fill the boxes, but there is a long stretch to go before a respectable crop hits the barrels. Five inches of rain in the last week hasn't helped our prospects. On the fortunate side, I did pull half a dozen boxes of cut comb yesterday. At least we have a start on the Iowa State Fair demands.
Also, the building has made great strides toward completion in the past couple of weeks. We still need some finishing touches on the basic structure, but the main thing is the electrical work. Hopefully the electrical guys can make it in the next couple of weeks as well.
Here is our newly lengthened building--quite the increase....
This is the future extracting room--it seems we might not get to use it until next year though.
And a little extra storage space should help ease congestion in the warehouse.