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June Swarm 2014

Yesterday I came across my first swarm of the year. I haven't had any trouble with swarming so far this year, but I had a single outgrow it's confines. This swarm is only 3 feet off the ground, and precisely the height that makes it super easy to catch them. I unfortunately only had 6 5/8" honey boxes with me, but I still hived it. I'll probably catch the queen and put her down in a deep when I check on them in a few days. I'm glad I found them yesterday afternoon because it rained 3 more inches overnight. Here is the swarm before I shook it into the box.
At the end of the video above, I ponder whether or not the bees will stay in the box or return to the branch with queen pheremone clinging to it. I solved that question by twisting off the little branch and putting it in the entrance of the box. Sometimes the really obvious answer totally escapes me, but this time I was just slow. I'll try to remember to give an update on its status in the future. If there is an August flow, we might get a little honey off of it.
In the meanwhile, there is a massive storm moving in this afternoon. We just had three more inches last night, and State Highway 1 washed out just north of my house. An SUV crashed into the hole and is several feet below (the former) ground level. Supposedly it will be drying out after this round of precipitation. We certainly hope that will be the case.

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