Honey -- the Dreamgredient!
Today I'll highlight a couple of the venues that use Ebert Honey in food products. I tend to have honey in rather powerful doses--those which involve pouring/spreading it onto something where it is easy to see and taste. Other folks have explored ways of making deliciousness that doesn't rely on my simple manner of concocting a sweet treat. In their honor, here are some of the tasty results that have come from the minds of others and involve a touch of Pure Iowa Honey!
Running under the motto of "Crazy Good Beer," Madhouse Brewing has been busy making fine brews from their homebase in Newton for the past couple of years. One of their recipes resulted in the Honey Pilsner, and it incorporates nectar from Ebert bees:
I'm not sure how well granola might go with the pils, but a very tasty granola laced with Iowa honey and a sprinkling of almonds comes from Big Sky Bread Company in Urbandale. Look for it in area grocery stores. I bought a pound of it today when I spotted it in a Cedar Rapids Hy-Vee.
And for dessert, anyone wandering through Pella is likely to make a stop at Jaarsma Bakery when an ordinary sweet just isn't enough. This is a place that has people queuing up into the street when there are events like Tulip Time underway. They also incorporate Ebert Honey into their baked goods. Everything is recommended as delicious!