Ebert Queens Webpage
After a couple of years of promising to develop an online ordering option, EbertQueens.com is operational. It is a pretty simple website that tracks inventory and offers online billing and shipping information dedicated to queen orders. We will continue to develop it as time passes.
Since I work full-time at Mount Mercy University, keep a good number of hives for honey production, and raise/distribute queens, it's a challenge to handle all the business through phone conversation. It takes a lot of work with the bees to make everything possible. The website allows buyers to get their orders on the books without waiting for a callback. I hope it makes your lives easier! Payment is possible through existing PayPal accounts and credit card payments that are processed through PayPal. It is NOT necessary to have a fully registered PayPal account to use your credit card--PayPal can also process credit cards as a merchant service.
I will soon have an update on the honey crop prospects--after ten days of frequent rain, the sun is out and the bees are active in the boxes!!!!