One More Load of Bees 2019
Andrew came out to weave in and out among the hives while we got them stacked for the last truck. I spotted him driving around on the John Deere power wheel tractor tossing something into the hayfield. It was a bag of old English walnuts that he was "planting" for next year! It will take a bit more climate change for that one to work out. Then he decided it was fun to drive around off to the side of the Bobcat while I followed back and forth to clean off the pallets. That will probably be his last bee adventure of 2019 because we won't have a hive left in Iowa if we get the last ones loaded on Monday as planned. A happy boy aboard the JD!

We intended to ship these bees out for California on Friday, but there was an incoming widespread storm that the clever phraseologists dubbed a "bomb cyclone." It dropped many inches of rain and snow, and there are pictures of several interstates brought to a standstill with lines of cars that were trapped for hours. The major pass on I-80 for entry to northern California was forecast to see thirty inches of snow Saturday and Sunday. I think that expectation dwindled to a mere twenty inches, but there was plenty of mess to go around the region. We will try to get loaded on Monday instead. It will be a relief to have our bee life at rest for several weeks until we move the Idaho load down to Cali in January and go visit them all to prepare for almond season. First we need to get this last load safely aboard and delivered to its destination.