Old Threshers Reunion -- September 2022
We are moving into the last two days of the annual Midwest Old Threshers Reunion! Our Sammy is in the intro picture with two young women dressed for the reunion era that stopped by our vendor space. When we lived in Fairfield during my very early years, we went over to Mount Pleasant for the reunion at least a couple of times. The steam tractors were my favorite, and I still love that they are lined up for display on our everyday path to the building (Museum A) where we sell honey every year. Old style belt driven power take off demonstrations are always fun to watch too -- so simple and yet so revolutionary at the time. It turns out we've been selling in the same space for nineteen years. The previous honey vendor from twenty years ago offered it to us when he couldn't continue for health reasons, and he still stops by to say hello. It's amazing how things can start and grow from one moment in time. We knew we'd been doing this event for quite a while, but it was a bit of a shock to realize it has been almost two decades!

I haven't made it around to many of the exhibits this year, but I'm hoping to take in more of the exhibits and demonstrations on Monday when we close down the show. That is usually a slower day, and I think we'll have enough help with the vendor space to permit Andrew and me to wander around the grounds on some long breaks. The little guy still loves to sell!

I am thankful that Andrew enjoys these vending events like Old Threshers and the farmers markets. It is fun to do them together, and he learns a lot. His math gains over the last two years have substantially been connected to handling cash and giving change. Some of the older customers glow about how he is learning to count back change the way they were taught to expect when they were younger. Hopefully it's all making the world a little better. On Monday he will no doubt spend a lot of time in the huge sandbox at the reunion and enjoy some well deserved rest and celebration.