Harvest Concludes and the Syrup Pump Lives!
The syrup pump from the previous post has rejoined the mission to save the bees. After several journeys back into the yards, I believe we are able to trust it to help prepare for winter during the upcoming weeks. I bought it used as part of a package deal several years ago and only needed to change the oil up to this point, so I suppose an operational blip is okay. Hopefully a new belt and drive pulley will be the last of its 2018 needs. The cool drizzly days have continued, so the hives are going to need a lot of support to provide healthy bees in spring. There aren't many flowers left now even if the weather turns favorable. Hang on bees, we're coming to help!!!
Proudly Repaired and Operational! Pump On!!!
Extracting is also wound up for 2018. I held back a few boxes to have something to run through the uncapper for a tour this week, but otherwise a day or two of cleanup is all that remains before we close the books on everything harvest related. It's always incredible to imagine bees working so hard that we can fill up barrels of honey. Here is Wynne using the loader to weigh one on a platform scale when we needed to have its net content calculated. Not a terribly efficient system, but it beats buying a really expensive scale or driving to the coop's scale several miles down the road.
Bobcat Making Life Easy Yet Again!
In the meanwhile we will be out saving some bees. This is Tanner my new Saturday sidekick!
Tanner approves of this population on his 1st day!