Beautiful Bee Pics! Spring 2018
Looking back at my pics from spring 2018, I see a few that caught my attention when I was out in the field. As I mentioned in the last post, there were some tiny, tiny clusters this spring after the long winter. This one had twenty bees and a queen. It is remarkable that they raised any brood at all with such a nominal number of heat generators in the nursery. I think this queen got transplanted into a queenless colony where she gained more support.
Tiny Cluster and Queen 2018
After the dandelions came along, the brood picture got uniformly more encouraging:
Beautiful Brood 2018
Very quickly--within about a month--we went from a chilly dearth to the possibility of cells
An Extra-Extended Queen Cell
And here is one of the fun sights I get to spot once or twice a year: two queens coexisting during supersedure. One of the queens here is harder to spy, so there is a little bit of "Where's Waldo" challenge in this one. Good luck!
Two Queens During Supersedure